I'm not seeing the beauty in this plan. Please help me see it.
If faith is a gift, would you please explain why God decides to punish those with hellfire who He decided wouldn't be given this gift of faith?
And could you please explain the justice in holding people responsible for their sinful nature when the only option available for sin absolution has been denied to them?
If possible, please cite verses. Thank you.
It is a beautiful plan because God determined to save some for Himself. Otherwise, the whole of Creation would have been lost.
The following questions should help guide ones thinking.
1.) Did God know that Adam was going to transgress and sin?
2.) Did Adams "Fall" take all of mankind with Him?
YES (Rom. 5:14&15)
3.) Did this "Fall" destroy the original Uprightness of mankind's nature?
YES (Ecc. 7:29)
4.) Does mankind then need another form of "Uprightness" (Righteousness)?
In Genesis 3:7 - When they had lost their
original uprightness and saw that they were naked, they attempted to create their own by covering themselves with fig leaves. A human form of righteousness but this would never do in the presence of a Thrice Holy God. So God gave them a temporary form of "Uprightness", in the form of animal skins - Gen. 3:21. The first of many animal sacrifices recorded in the Scriptures, until the final Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Now that mankind would be born Sinners - that is with a Sin nature, instead of an Upright nature - his love of sin would not allow him to
genuinely chose God and His Christ. To do so, would go against his very nature and NO ONE acts against his nature. God is Holy in Nature and acts according to His nature. Mankind are sinners by nature and act according to their nature. (Gal. 4:8; Eph. 2:3)
However, before God ever Created anything, He chose to save some. This is His Elective Grace.
Mankind deserved death and eternal punishment. This is all that they deserved. They Transgressed and fell short. They loved sin more than they loved their God. God's Holy Law cried out for satisfaction. They all must die!
This being the case, God does no harm by saving those He chose. As Creator, He has the right to show Mercy and Compassion upon those He so chooses. Even in our American Society, the President has the right to Commute the sentence of another - if he so chooses to do so.
This in no way does harm to the others who are guilty. They deserve what they are getting, under the law. Nor is the President required to Commute ALL, in order to Commute ONE. We except this as Americans but would deny God this same liberty.