Jesus Christ our Savior, Lord and King is also a Jew. He is our Jewish Messiah.
To truly understand Christ’s return, we need to understand all of God’s plans, dealings, purposes and relationship with Israel and the Jews.
God deals with mankind through the Jews… All nations of the Earth will be blessed through Abraham’s seed - NOT Ishmael but, Isaac which Jesus Christ the Savior came through.
God is in the middle of creating a new Heaven and a new Earth…. Creation takes 6 days then 1 day of rest. It’s important to know and understand the Calendar God gave to the Jews.
God has chosen for everything concerning us to come through the Jews because everything comes through Jesus Christ to us.
We are to bless Israel and love the Jewish people…. just like Ruth clinged to Naomi and loved her.
To truly understand Christ’s return, we need to understand all of God’s plans, dealings, purposes and relationship with Israel and the Jews.
God deals with mankind through the Jews… All nations of the Earth will be blessed through Abraham’s seed - NOT Ishmael but, Isaac which Jesus Christ the Savior came through.
God is in the middle of creating a new Heaven and a new Earth…. Creation takes 6 days then 1 day of rest. It’s important to know and understand the Calendar God gave to the Jews.
God has chosen for everything concerning us to come through the Jews because everything comes through Jesus Christ to us.
We are to bless Israel and love the Jewish people…. just like Ruth clinged to Naomi and loved her.
Dont watch the nation state of Israel they are corrupt as all the nations of earth. And they blaspheme Jesus.
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