I don't think you fully understand things, friend.
1) I don't preach salvation by works, I preach good works are the EVIDENCE of having received salvation and the absence of good works are the evidence it has not yet been received.,
2) Catholicism doesn't teach salvation is limited by obedience to their version of the Ten Commandments - they teach the Father was so pleased with how obedient Jesus was that He arbitrarily decided to grant salvation to mankind
***without regard, consideration, or requirement of blood atonement whatsoever*** and set up the Catholic priesthood as the conduit through which this salvation would be disseminated.
Y'know what? "Protestants' who subscribe to Jesuit Futurism have a hard time letting that sink in, so I'm gonna repeat it:
***without regard, consideration, or requirement of blood atonement whatsoever***".
That's why Catholic priests have said and believe even well into this our 21st century that when they hear this stanza of "How Great Thou Art":
"And when I think that God, His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin"
"I scarce can take it in either, for the shed blood of Jesus has nothing to do with the sinner obtaining salvation". They teach salavtion is predicated on submission to the Pope in total.
So, there's no comparison with what Protestantism and Catholicism believe