And this is what I mean. There's nothing in Magenta's art that is "new age". And you have seen us disagree here and she certainly doesn't need me to defend her. But this ties into my thread. And I'm not trying to be ignorant to you. But we are entirely too quick to label things in the church. I've heard so many people, especially here, throw around words carelessly. Words have meaning. Nothing I've ever heard from our sister would make me think she is in to new age belief. Because she isn't. And there's nothing wrong with her art, all kinds of Christians are artistic. My own sister is an artist and she sees the world differently than others do. It's a God given talent, and one she often does for free, as Magenta does here. It's uplifting, many people here have mentioned her art has helped them. To say someone isn't a Christian because they enjoy her art is just utter nonsense. It's just an opinion, which you are entitled to, but it's nothing more. Sorry, I hope we can get along on other things but it's just utterly wrong to say someone isn't saved because they enjoy art. My land there are artists that have done paintings of David looking at Bathsheba taking a bath on her rooftop. Now it's not something I want in my living room mind you, but it certainly isn't sinful.
If so give me the top 4 or 5 salient points ?...without consulting the subject person...or re-review of history posts....all directly or indirectly..