I have heard this accusation from those who claim to be Reformist. They say that we are claiming elitist status among Christians. That we are claiming to be "better Christians" for having this gift. They say that is how we are "coming across" anyway.
I have examined myself and the accusation and have had discussions with those who say this to find out what exactly they are saying and I would have to agree that we do claim to be "more effective witnesses, soul winners, and preachers" on average. Not "better" or "more saved" but yes, more effective in ministry.
This is why. If I were to tell you that there were two pastors, one prayed often that God would completely have his way in their lives and that they would hear from the Spirit what they were to preach, and that they would be a more effective soul winner, and be lead by the Spirit, etc..." and this pastor spent quality time praying everyday. And then there was another pastor who never prayed. Went weeks without praying except for public prayers because he was expected to.
And then I ask you do you believe that the praying pastor would have a more effective ministry? I think that 99% of honest Christians would agree that the praying pastor would be more effective in his ministry. Why? Because we believe in the supernatural help that comes from God when we pray in faith.
So we believe that if someone askes for the out pouring of the Holy Spirit to receive power to be a witness and the gift of tongues to pray mysteries directly to God and for help to pray for things they don't even know to pray for, and they receive this gift and pray this way then we do believe we are more effective ministers as a result. And it is a fact that the Pentecostal movement is the largest missionary movement in the world seeing more churches planted and more souls saved than any other evangelical organization and so there is proof that we are more effective as a result of this gift which we claim.
We don't think we are better, we think we are more effective... And that was God's plan. That is why he gave the gift. To receive power to be a witness. We have no right to accuse those who believe what God said and receive this gift and become more effective than those who do not as being elitists. They are not elitists, they are are simply believers who step into the promises of God and are more equipped for ministry than those who don't.
Do I think that there is something lacking in someone's faith who does not claim the gift of speaking in tongues? Not on a salvific level. I don't think it matters about their eternal salvati Do I think that their faith can be increased by praying in tongues in the Holy Spirit? Ye I think thone on in Christ. of the purposes of the gift.
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Jude 20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,