God told us a lot about the end of this age, putting parts of the puzzle into most every book in the Bible. He did not want us to be ignorant of that time. And He told us that even tho no one would know the day or time, we would know the season.
The things He speaks about – sexual immorality, atheism and polytheism, a wholesale turn of the people away from Him, love growing cold, right and wrong trading places in the world … every generation since Christ ascended has thought they were seeing it, and to a degree they are right. Think about the arrogant farmer, God told him his rapture was to be that night. God’s Word is eternal and reverberates thru time, that’s what’s behind history repeating itself. So what comes in the end is nothing new … it’s just on a larger scale than ever before.
There’s a large and well-known group of people who are being used to advance these conditions. They abandon personal responsibility and enable the lazy, they promote the indiscriminate killing of the unborn, they push government control over the population. There’s no doubting who has a hand in their activities, only the true enemy of God could be driving all these towards the same end at the same time.
Someone ought to step up and stop them!
Except you can’t.
Go back to what God says the world will end up like – God, Who wants us to not be ignorant, tells us repeatedly that in the world, they win. Let me say that again, God wants us to know that in the world, THEY WIN.