good morning.... I was wondering if it is wrong to mad or frustrated about a situation that you have prayed to god about for a while to change or at least to let help you get through the situation and nothing has happened????? I have tried to reconcile my seperated marriage.... she decided to leave with the children after things got bad with her and my family and she moved back in with her mother, its been almost a year and she has talked to me about the children.... but that's all.... I have prayed about it and asked god if I should stay even though I have tried on MULTIPLE occasions to try to work on things like counseling and group prayer but she wants to have nothing to do with me.... I have contemplated wether to stay or leave... I have prayed about it For Months and have gotten NO ANSWER!!!!!! anyone have any ideas on what I should do about this situation??? Any advice would help......
thank you very much
Do you belong to a church group overseen by a wise pastor? If so, I would confide in him.
Continuing to pray to God for wisdom in dealing with the situation is good. Maybe try fasting too. I did that for a week, with prayer, and I saw God put checks (stops) in front of my ex to try and turn her head. God was faithful of course, and did everything He could, but her heart had hardened beyond hearing. She eventually divorced me, which set me free. There were two young children/daughters involved, but I had to let them go. God took me on to follow Him. I’m not suggesting that this is what may pan out in your life, just giving an anecdote of what happened in mine as an example. My ex and I were not Christians when we separated (she was Church of England heritage, I was Catholic), I became one not long after. She divorced me about a year and a half after she left me.
There were financial problems that put a lot of stress on the marriage, and she had more than one affair. I’m not looking for sympathy in disclosing what happened to me, just putting up a scenario which may, or may not, give some pointers to you.
I hope all things work out to the good of you and God.