Your Bible interpretation and mangling of scripture is a hot mess. We don’t just throw random verses together that talk about fire and punishment when they don’t even match the argument you’re trying to support.
Nail in the coffin 1: The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus doesn’t say it lasts forever, the rich man was not weeping, or gnashing his teeth. While engulfed in flames he was completely cognizant and arguably more polite than you’ve been in this thread.
Nail in the coffin 2: Revelation 20:10 says that only three persons are tormented forever: the devil, beast, and false prophet.
Nail in the coffin 3: Hebrews 2:14 says the devil is destroyed.
Nail in the coffin 4: Revelation 20:14 and 21:8 say the lake of fire is the second death.
Nail in the coffin 5: The eternal flames are the unquenchable fires of the lake of fire. The eternal punishment is death.
Your false doctrine has been nailed closed and buried. I’m done arguing with intellectually dishonest people.
Nail in the coffin 1: The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus doesn’t say it lasts forever, the rich man was not weeping, or gnashing his teeth. While engulfed in flames he was completely cognizant and arguably more polite than you’ve been in this thread.
Nail in the coffin 2: Revelation 20:10 says that only three persons are tormented forever: the devil, beast, and false prophet.
Nail in the coffin 3: Hebrews 2:14 says the devil is destroyed.
Nail in the coffin 4: Revelation 20:14 and 21:8 say the lake of fire is the second death.
Nail in the coffin 5: The eternal flames are the unquenchable fires of the lake of fire. The eternal punishment is death.
Your false doctrine has been nailed closed and buried. I’m done arguing with intellectually dishonest people.
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