Ok thank you for your input did you hear anything that was said that was not clearly taught in the word of God that was said? IF you did please tell me what you have heard, thank you.
It does not match what we read in the bible about casting out demons. In the bible they were commanded and they came out. None of this prolonged acting out something seen in movies.
There are no examples of Christians who are born again needing demon cast out of them to get victory over some area of deeper sanctification. There were no examples of Christians being counseled on how to let the demons manifest, before prayer as they do with these people.
There is your scriptural reason.
She is not an apostle especially if she can't discern this was not a demon. But of course calling oneself an apostle is always a dead give away that they are not. I am pentecostal but I have yet to see anyone call themselves an apostle that was sound in doctrine. They are all over the place using the word of God to manipulate the ignorant with bad hermeneutics.
I think calling oneself an apostle is not scriptural. I believe that those who were used to found the church were apostles and now we have teachers, preachers, pastors, evangelists, and prophets but even those prophets that are operating in that gift don't call themselves that, others do. That is a whole other discussion but it is one which would support my scriptural reasons for saying this is not of God in the video.
But we also have the Holy Spirit and should be able to discern emotionalism and faking it. Do you think a demon would have her banging her head on her arm instead of the concrete? She is doing that to play out a role she has imagined. It is nothing that can be found in the scripture.
Many of these Christians that "manifest" are trained and taught to do this in a "pre deliverance" session. Then of course as these "deliverance ministries" spread and get popular other Christians see the "manifestations" and learn that this is how one goes about "letting the demons manifest" during the prayer session.
It goes back to the book "Pigs in the Parlor" in the 80s that helped launch the popular "Deliverance Ministries". That book taught the person getting prayed for to act out whatever thoughts came to their minds. So they are basically playing out the acting role while telling themselves that based on the teaching from the deliverance ministries that they are "letting the demons manifest" by doing this acting role, therefore they are not actually lying or making it up or faking it, they are "doing it by faith" as it were.
I know that sounds messed up and hard to believe that anyone would fall for it, but to the person who has read one or two of these deliverance ministry manuals they have a fine way of persuading the person that they are not lying by acting these manifestations out.
And this is what you are seeing in the video. A well meaning christian can get caught up in this all in an effort to get victory over a besetting sin that they struggle with.
The path of sanctification for them will still be the same after all this emotional play acting. They will still be required to face temptation, and love Jesus more than the sin and say no, and experience the Grace of God to settle, strengthen and establish them building upon one success at a time until they become strong in that area that they once struggled with. Some will do this and eventually get victory and they will say that they finally got the "break through" when they went through deliverance but when you ask them about it they still had to walk out the same battle of resisting sin and getting strong by one battle at a time.
Again, it is disturbing to me that everyone is shouting hallelujah and can't discern between this faking deliverance ministries that is going on today and real casting out of demons. It is as plain to me as light and dark. The Holy Spirit does not leave me wondering but clearly directs me and leads me. Those who profess to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and have the gift of discerning of spirits should be able to the difference between fake exorcisms and real.
And whenever a minister needs to scold the crowd for not praising God loud enough it reeks of soulish, fleshly, personality. God is not telling her to say that. She is on her own, doing her own thing and God is not any where near it.
But after God warns people, and shows them that they are off the deep end, and they choose it over the word, He will eventually give them over to their deception. If they are getting a crowd, invitations to speak, and lots of offerings and choose to keep doing it after God has told them that what they are doing is not scripturally correct and that they are contributing to encouraging people to fake demons possession, but they ignore his voice they will eventually believe the lying spirit that is speaking to them and they will be given over to their false teachings and false Jesus that they are making up that is not the one in the scriptures.
It keeps happening decade after decade. Sometimes it is the prosperity movement, sometimes it is deliverance ministries, sometimes it another fad, but they all have the same thing in common, emotionalism and hype, a crowd that gives them money.
David Wilkerson preached some messages about these deliverance ministries.