I am so very ready for this life to be over.
The love of many has waxed very cold.
People are self important and elitists today.
We WILL NOT eat,drink,and be merry only to do it over again tomorrow.
The jar is full of cockroaches climbing over you pulling you down into the mire.
Hate is more prevalent than love.
The streets are full of the dying while the enemy lives in our homes.
Hope is a word that has become obscure while sex,drugs and money is at the top of the charts.
I want to go home.
I'm tired of this cold dark place.
I'm hungry for mana and a clean white robe.
Let us go to a place where Jesus is the light.
Home, where there is warmth and comfort.
There will only be joy and happiness at home.
Life will hurt no more.
Forever under the shelter of his wing.