People claim they've had the baptism of the Holy Spirit because they spoke in tongues; yet they did sinful things..... Now let's get something straight. There are some basic requirements for receiving any gift of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus says, "If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth" (John 14:15, 16, 17).
"And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him" (Acts 5:32).
A few years ago several famous TV evangelists fell by the way. They all claimed to be filled with the Holy Spirit and have the gift of tongues. But they were living in gross immoral disobedience. They would speak in tongues on TV, then leave the studio to live a compromising life. Something just wasn't right. These men also caused me to wonder, "If this is the genuine gift of tongues, then why do these charismatic evangelists need an army of interpreters to translate for them when they preach overseas?"
there are no more requirements for being filled with the Holy Spirit then there are for salvation. none
you seem to know all about it while not knowing much. typical and those always opposed are enjoying your posts
when I first was filled with the Holy Spirit (what some are calling baptism) I supposed all my problems were now solved...If I remember right I was 17 or 18) but that is not the way it is at all. if anything, you had better get your spiritual head on straight because you are opening up a door into the spiritual realm or world and you are susceptible to being deceived
we are all susceptible to being deceived but none so much as those who do not believe they can be or are deceived
those gathered in the upper room on the day of Pentecost did not have a check list to see if they were worthy but all were filled no matter where they were in their life and it is the same today. as no one can claim perfect obedience it is not logical to state only those in 'obedience' receive the Holy Spirit. we are sealed with the Holy Spirit when we accept Christ....a seal was only meant to be opened by the one to whom the letter was the same manner, if we are sealed, then no one can break that seal until the One who put it there receives us to be with Him
who are the obedient? those who have accepted Christ. there is no keeping of the commandments or some sort of perfection
there is no gift that will create the perfect human being....we are just as liable to sin speaking in tongues then not, so that is not the test of anything but the heart of sinful people and not a judgement on any gift of God by His Spirit
we know sinful speak in tongues because we have the church at Corinth as an example....and we see the correction given by Paul. I'm not sure most would accept correction of that nature today.
the other thing, is that far too many people claim to have this gift or that gift when God did not call them and did not give them a thing. the Holy Spirit does not make mistakes and He is the One who gives the gifts a God's direction
what is missing more than anything else, is proper teaching in the gifts.
there is far too much abuse and far too much is accredited to the Holy Spirit when He had nothing to do with it
I have known people who have prayed and prayed to receive the gift of tongues (not understanding there are several gifts there) and nada...never did receive. the heart is an interesting instrument