Interesting topic. I only have a couple of single friends. Most everyone I am close to is married or coupled. So, whenever I want to do something (concert, play, any event), it has to be alone or as part of a group. It's not easy to get my married women friends to schedule an event with just me.
I travel quite a bit. I've always traveled alone, by others' standards, but I traveled with my dog(s), which, by my standards was not alone. Now, they have all passed away, and I won't likely have another anytime soon. So, I really do travel alone now. It feels so very different from the past three decades of traveling with my Keeshonden. It feels a lot more burdensome having to cart around my luggage by myself, even though I had a LOT MORE bags and baggage when I traveled with the dogs. There were times when I would put my dog in the crate, put the crate on the luggage cart, and maneuver through the hotel. I always garnered attention. Well, my dogs did. LOL
I think that long-term singleness provides a perspective that makes a lot of people uneasy because it seems unpalatable for most humans. So, hardly anyone really wants to talk about that. It's true, as a single Christian, you're expected to never think or talk about sex. Yet, sexuality is almost always a part of human life. What do we do with it? Yet, I know married people who are "sexually deprived," as well (at least according to their laments). So, does having less sex than you'd like compare to having no sex at all? I don't know. LOL
My viewpoint is: God has not brought me out of singleness. He has a plan for me as I am. I will be content. It doesn't mean I don't have desires, dreams, or hopes. It just means I will focus on today and what He has for me today. And I'll do it all again tomorrow, if I'm still here. There is work to keep me occupied every day and not just the paying work, but all manner of opportunities to fill my life and help others. I desire to do that, for God's glory.