The whole lot of them! Here's my list--not in chronological order. And I am odd man out in most of my beliefs, but I comfort myself in the knowledge that out of possibly billions only 8 escaped the world wide flood and only 3 out of the 1000s in Sodom and Gomorrah (some number it upwards of 100,000 or more)
1. As a child Southern Baptist
2. Free Methodist
3. Non-denominational
4. Presbyterian Churches of America
5. Visited Calvary Chapel Churches a few times
6. Evangelical something or other, but more like the Emergent church
7. Church of Christ--not any of the weird ones though did visit the Boston Church of Christ a few times back in the day--they've since changed their name.
Have researched various and sundry churches--looked for a house church to no avail.
ALL without exception have some kind of false doctrine. The nondenoms are fuzzy about what they believe and are holding hands with the world--they don't want to rock the boat--often they have no statement of faith--man focused rather than Christ focused. And the incredible waste of money on the building and programs--a person can attend there for years and never making any true connections--movie trailer sermons, "Tune in next week!" and the next and the next--if you've gone to one nondenom you've pretty much seen them all. Same worship songs, same worship team with the same skinny jeans and untucked plaid shirts and tennis shoes--oh wait that the 60+ year old pastor trying to be hip...ugh and double ugh. It's like the movie Ground Hog Day meets the Twilight Zone....
1. As a child Southern Baptist
2. Free Methodist
3. Non-denominational
4. Presbyterian Churches of America
5. Visited Calvary Chapel Churches a few times
6. Evangelical something or other, but more like the Emergent church
7. Church of Christ--not any of the weird ones though did visit the Boston Church of Christ a few times back in the day--they've since changed their name.
Have researched various and sundry churches--looked for a house church to no avail.
ALL without exception have some kind of false doctrine. The nondenoms are fuzzy about what they believe and are holding hands with the world--they don't want to rock the boat--often they have no statement of faith--man focused rather than Christ focused. And the incredible waste of money on the building and programs--a person can attend there for years and never making any true connections--movie trailer sermons, "Tune in next week!" and the next and the next--if you've gone to one nondenom you've pretty much seen them all. Same worship songs, same worship team with the same skinny jeans and untucked plaid shirts and tennis shoes--oh wait that the 60+ year old pastor trying to be hip...ugh and double ugh. It's like the movie Ground Hog Day meets the Twilight Zone....
When I debate Calvinists on their errors, they call me an Arminian. When I debate Arminians on their errors, they call me a Calvinist.
Just hilarious. They both have such a narrow view of life.