In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches his disciples, saying, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16 NIV)
But just a little bit later he tells them, "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them." (Matthew 6:1 NIV)
These two admonishments seem to be in contradiction with one another; but since they come so close together, it seems like there is probably a way to harmonize them. Are there different types of good deeds one should or should not do before men? What did Jesus mean by each of these statements if they don't contradict one another?
Many posters on this site warn against working because we are saved by faith not works. They add that we can never earn our salvation through works, and our works is not looked at by the Lord to achieve righteousness, that is only given to us as a gift. They feel these things mean we must be careful of our works.
For 300 years the church was led by either the men who knew Christ or were trained by these men. They said that Christ wanted us to live transformed lives, that faith in Christ included faith in all he said and to have faith in him was to live for him. They weren’t interested much in doctrine, they thought people understood scripture differently. They stood united in the core of beliefs and guarded against adding or taking from that core but were tolerant of differences in interpretation. There were heresies they argued against, but would never force their beliefs.
What do you think the Lord wants from us?
People argue over Paul and James where Paul said we are saved by faith and not by works, and James said faith without works is dead, and a person is justified by works and not faith alone.
But this is not a contradiction for Paul is speaking when we first confess Christ and James is speaking when we receive the Spirit for we do not receive the Spirit before we confess Christ.
When we first confess Christ all we can do is have faith and none of our works according to the flesh can save us.
But when we receive the Spirit then we have to have works to have faith active in our life to be saved.
And why is this.
Because out of faith, hope, and charity which is love in action, works, charity is the greatest.
Charity is greater than faith and faith works by love, and love must be done in works for it to be active in a person's life.
For love is the fulfilling of the law.
Love is greater than faith and love has to be done in works for it to be valid in a person's life, so no love, works, no faith.
But Paul agrees with James that works are required to be saved for he is speaking according to having the Spirit.
Charity is love in action, works, and Paul said he could have all faith so that he could remove mountains but if he did not have charity then he is nothing.
And in another place Paul said that is a person preaches God blesses us with our wants to withdraw yourselves from them and having food and clothing be content.
For the love of money is the root of all evil for it neglects the poor and needy which is no love, and love is the fulfilling of the law.
Which James points out if people do not help the poor and needy and help people if they have the means then their faith is dead for they do not show love, works.
So Paul and James say the same thing that a person has to have works because it is love and love is greater than faith and love must be done in works for it to be valid.
Which John said if a person has this world's good which is the finances to help people and they do not do it then the love of God does not dwell in them, so do not love in word, neither in tongue, but love in deeds, works, and in truth.
So Paul, James, and John all say the same thing to have works to have love valid in your life to have faith active in your life for love is greater than faith.
And out of faith, hope, and charity, charity will go on forever where faith and hope are not needed in heaven for the saints are there.
We are saved by faith and not by works when we first confess Christ, but after we receive the Spirit we have to have works of love to have faith active in our life.
So there is no contradiction between Paul and James and they both say the same thing concerning a person is justified by works and not faith alone.
But some people will argue over Paul and James as if there is a contradiction in the Bible.