I find more sincere believers in the live chats when I watch my preachers and churches on YouTube there are always some anti-rapture people but I never in my 15 years saved have I found anti-10 commandments, that's the first thing the Holy Spirit does is convict you of sin in your life and "clean you up" there are so many verses about how idolaters, sexually immoral, liars, etc. will nor inheret the kingdom of God. This is new to me, these "Christians" couldn't have really repented to receive Christ as they're Lord and Savior if they are still in sin. Therefore a false conversion and they do not get convicted of sin or "spoken" to by the Word because the Holy Spirit is not present in them.
The biggest mistake I've encountered when a member of theology or Christian, Bible, forums is when atheists are allowed to enter into what should be a Christians only part of the site. If there is even such an area.
Besides being the biggest examples of Oxymorons, atheists who join religious forums are always Trolls. And it is impossible to miss their intentions. Even when they pretend to be in the faith, the truth comes out when they mock or ridicule or insult actual Christians.
As to what you've experienced and shared above, its typical of those who suffer "Easy Believerism". It becomes most public when we witness public figures wearing crosses and then advocating or living contrary to the Bible. Lesbian couples, Homosexual male couples. Musicians putting out albums promoting prostitution, whoremongering, murder.
It's as if they think Jesus is an aspirin. Take a dose, "I believe", and you're saved no matter what. Just claim his name and whalah you're heaven bound. Sin is eternally pardoned so you can sin as often as you like.
While the actual born again holy spirit filled Christian is no longer a sinner, and sins are no longer held against them, we know that we are highly aware of right and wrong. And we do not make a habit of sinning. But if we do, as God tells us, Jesus is our advocate because God forgave our past sins and remembers them no more.
Tragedy is encountering those false one's who insist , as Christians, they're still a sinner. They just don't get it.
I met a man once that would drive anyone up a wall fast. Everything he said, regardless of what it was, was followed by, "forgive me".
The last time I had anything to do with him we were all out to lunch. Didn't even occur to me that this would be yet another one of those times. Idiot! I should have known.
He orders. Then as he's handing the waiter the menu says, forgive me.
You can imagine the rest. The waiter waited. Thinking there was something more, or that the man had failed to order rightly.
God knows his people. Rest assured in that. And whatever you do, don't ever rely on anyone validating your faith, or to the contrary, working to invalidate your faith.
That latter part, when anyone makes that effort toward you, they're showing you they have none themselves.
Nothing is so grotesque as a sorry example of the lie that they profess when claiming Christ, as someone who has the tongue of the Devil while thinking they're defending holy writ.
God Bless and Keep You.