So what happened during the dark ages? All the blood thirsty popes that bribed and murdered their way to power? Were they in line behind Peter?
I didn't mean to imply there were no bad popes until the 21st century.
On the other hand, there were very few "blood thirsty popes" and only one or two in the last 2000 years who has murdered.
Jesus knew there would be this kind of thing going on in His Church. who knew better than Christ himself how awful human beings can be? He knew better (knows better) than anyone how ROTTEN all of us are... (some more so than others of course). Yet He chose HUMAN beings to be the temporal heads of His earthly, visible Church. The Church has to be visible to the whole world and the Catholic Church is that... Only a fool would formulate his life according to what an obviously heretical / evil pope says
The Church is both human and divine. Most people simply focus on the human aspect. I've been guilty of that myself at times throughout the years...