As a divorced man, I hope I can help. The first thing to be assured of is that divorce is not the unpardonable sin. God hates divorce, but He does not expect or demand people to continue in abusive relationships.
Many Christians emphasise the "wives submit to your husband" truth. Rarely have I heard a sermon on "husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church". I also believe that the definition of Christian is way to broad. We prove that we have passed from death to life when we love the brethren, and that includes our spouse.
I was extremely hard line on divorce as a new Christian. Watching other Christians struggle and my personal failure has made me a little more understanding.
One thing that we must be sure of is to be free of any unforgiveness, bitterness or resentment. That can be beyond human ability at times. However, we will suffer terribly if we do not forgive. So how? I suggest that you look at the following article. It is by far the most helpful thing I've ever read on the subject. It's quite long, but worth it.