I have. What reason would I have to dodge anything? I disagree with his messages that give the children of the kingdom the wrong mindset about salvation, which is alot of them.
However, Cor 15:50-56 is on point, and its from the original scrolls. His missionary journey he stole from Father Adam, who is the one who made the first missionary journey to the earth for Procreation to begin... His claim that he was in the third heaven he stole from Father Adam. He claimed he didn't know whether he was in the body or out it, but that is what Father Adam said regarding the time the GOD put him to sleep to take a rib from his body.
His quest to start the 7 churches, was also what Father Adam preached, talking about the the 7 Angels of the Churches Enoch, the first who he trained, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Apostle Peter and the 3rd Elijah. It was Father Adam that preached these messages in the earth. And his claim that to die is gain, but to live is Christ, is what Father Adam taught, about the fall of Man.
So I will reiterate... I accept the original scrolls.