Another similarity. My duties were at a SSB station but added to that was an office in the HQ building, making up SSB study programs for the twelve Atlas F missile sites around the base, and making up classroom instruction and giving classroom instruction for the missile crews.
Actually I had many more duties I found myself going to bed only to awake with on shoe off and me still exhausted. It was not a pretty ending for me, but I did enjoy doing lots of stuff, like being the one part of the time to cancel B-52 and KC-135 missions, mock missions, to bomb, nuke, various targets. In retrospect it reminds me of Dr. Strangelove.
Boring? An understatement if you reefer to the time spent,. I was pretty much not into it either. I even volunteered for counter insurgence in order to get away, but my position stateside was considered critical, cuhh, A lot they know, and knew... God bless you and you did a lot more than I did if you were an AF Pliceman. Thak you for keeping us legal.