I made this comment in your other thread, you have yet to respond to it. Can you explain how I am wrong in this thinking and please respond
from EG
[QUOTE="eternally-gratefull,.......Amen, and that is why Jesus did not sin by breaking the sabbath. (Not because he is lord of the sabbath as someone suggested) but Because he was obeying a more important law.
most doctors nurses and other medical staff work to serve others, in doing this, they must at times work on Saturday, according to the law they would be in sin, but the law of love trumps the law of moses
civil authorities (police and fire) same difference
if my unbelieving neighbor needs help doing something that will take about 6 hours of hard labor. do I say, sorry, I must obey the sabbath I can’t help you, or do look To Jesus as an example, and serve my neighbor as a witness to God, even though by defenition I am breaking mosaic law?
The law was given to Israel, who as a nation was supposed to trust God for giving them all their needs, so,they were commanded not to do anything on Saturday to serve self but to trust God,
Sadly, Israel as well as many modern day 7th sabbath pushers. took this command to trust God completely for one day, and twisted it to mean something totally different than what God intended,