Yeah that's the reason why I default to it. I doubt anyone would come after me for bulk quoting but they "could" as it is in the front of almost all the newer translations.
Interesting thing to add to the discussion though as I was not aware KJV was used as the source...So it's like, if the KJV has "
so" many errors as some claim...then lots and lots of people groups have corrupted bibles. Which would be a problem
unless again, these things are ultimately irrelevant because, without the Holy Spirit guiding your understanding with scripture, you aren't going to get anywhere anyway.
Plus there is variance in each language and based off one story I read (biography) some concepts don't even translate into their native tongue and would have to be further translated to the people themselves anyway. Like if we thought to translate faith to them they might not even have such a concept and would either necessitate a new word or further teaching on what that means regardless.
Language has limitations that's why we need the Holy Spirit