Rev. 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. O look saved believers keeping Gods commandments even at the end of days I guess they should have listened to you and all who agree with you that they don't need to do that I guess true believers never learn.
God commanded that the whole congregation put to death anyone who blasphemes, by stoning.
is Revelation 12:17 referring to people who stone to death anyone who curses God?
do we delete jots & tittles, or is this speaking of something other than the law of the Sinai covenant with Israel?
this is saying they have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Galatians makes it clear that those who have the testimony of Christ do not require physical circumcision. but God at one time commanded physical circumcision. so are these people in Revelation 12:17, people who command physical circumcision and cast out anyone who is not physically circumcised?
do we delete jots and tittles from the law, or is this speaking of something other than the Sinai covenant with Israel?
God commanded to Adam all the seed-bearing plants are for his food. God commanded to Noah every living creature are for his food. God commanded to Moses only certain creatures are for food and others must not be for his food. God revealed to Peter & Paul that all creatures are created by God and good when received with thanksgiving -- which dietary commandment of God do the people in Revelation 12:17 keep?
do we delete jots and tittles, or is this speaking of something other than the law of the covenant with Israel that God made at Horeb?