Perhaps it would help if you defined or gave an example of what you mean by judgmental people
Being "judgmental" has become almost a byword and has been misappropriated as to what the Word is speaking against and what he is not.
It's times like these that having a pre-programmed message on judgments (with just the relevant scriptures directly referencing) might be something I'll have to consider as it is a lot of effort to give a good answer without scripture.
First a person's definition is important. I judge that the street is clear to cross because I do not see any cars. Is that a judgment?
Let's say a rule is vague in a church youth group and since the main leader is absent and someone concerned about what to do but the leader in charge doesn't think it very important and tells you to "use your best judgment"...What does that mean?
I think we should be VERY careful about judging someone saved or not saved is beyond our ability to judge.
Judging whether someone is living in sin vs sinning is likewise difficult.
Judging that someone is in error (sinning) should be reasonably within our abilities as believers as we have the Word to back us up...but in such a case, answering what the motivation for what we do with what we notice is important...OR even noticing itself.
If someone goes out of their way to notice every little slip up and mistake another believer makes, what is their motivation? It isn't "necessarily" wrong by default but I would say it is pretty unlikely to be productive and you'd have to convince me.
I've done that before...the "why" is a bit difficult to explain and would take some time. I typed it out, but it's long. Suffice it to say there are many reasons I had and I still notice a lot. The Lord has made it clear to me (pretty sure) with what he said to Peter "What's it to you if I want him to remain until I return?" I personalized it quite a bit...
We certainly have no business making "throne room" judgments about non-believers. Within the church there are judgments that can be made in righteousness...but this would require a bit more care to address.
Suppose someone is deliberately coming into the church to stir up dissention/strife (troll). For over a year, only one person experiences it as a problem and prays about it and is quite burdened. The next year their prayer is answered and other people begin to see it, then eventually the pastor asks them to leave or stop. Etc. etc.
Judgments in the flesh to the point of being "judgmental" is I think what you posted this thread for but understand that there are indeed judgments in the spirit that are required. I can't say across the board but I am inclined to think that these are the Lord's domain. He will move people toward these and there will be little doubt in those that are walking according to his Spirit.