star said:
We don't judge the person's soul for that is up to God to do. However, we do and should judge the actions of a person, the words of a person, and most definitely the doctrine/preaching/leadership of any person on spiritual matters. There are false teachers, leaders, preachers and absolutely FALSE DOCTRINE.
one problem i see with this is we are not to Judge, no? "Judge not that you be not judged" also, how can we properly judge anyone anyway without knowing motives (only God knows?) tone of voice, attitutes (we can't necessarily see/hear these in chat).
also, how can we properly judge another man's doctrine as totally false when we don't know as God knows, but only dimly, "for now we see through a glass dimly.. but now we know in part" not in whole.
also, are we not open to learning more here, or are we forever closed in our minds to new revelation? we should all be open to learn more truth, or at least not totally closed to it, no?
all these things apply to all of us here.