It is part of the plan because America wants the protests and to ban the police, and they have people that are escalating it in America.
There is no winning against this when the government wants it.
They are turning isolated incidents and applying it to the nation, but what does that have to do with the nation, and all people.
The riots and protests, as well as the coronavirus is all part of the plan to collapse America economically, as well as the developed nations, and to allow the riots, and protests to get out of hand so America can go to a new form of government, and the world will come together as one to work for peace on earth, and everybody is equal.
It is almost as if they wanted to cause African Americans to feel as not equal, to mistreat them, for all those years so they can use them to protest in the future as part of their plan, and get the ball rolling for a nationwide protest, and in the world, so a change can be made in the world for equality for only by people believing people are equal will the nations come together.
The Ku Klux Klan could of been part of the plan all along at the top levels, and America really wanted that white supremacy to shine in America as a set up for the protests in the future.
Donald Trump playing the bad guy to further enrage the people to protest for it is part of the plan.
They have calculated their plan for years of how to go about gathering the nations together, whether to look good, to look bad, whether to go to war, or not go to war, so it was probably all planned out for the protests to happen many years before it happened.
For America had this plan from her start, and they want to cause the police to not be that effective so the people will riot and protest more.
The American government is saying protest baby protest, burn baby burn, tear it down, loot and steal, be loud and violent, come to poppa.
And then after that goes on for a while then America will crack down on them, the military will feel justified for doing that, and go to a new form of government that has no Republican or Democrat party, and all are equal economically and status wise.
And the American government will be justified for doing so as they take all the freedoms away from them, and seize all bank accounts, and assets, and lands, and all people are equal, and ushered to the cities to be totally controlled.
And you could be living next to Michael Jordan for he will be reduced to rubble, and all his riches gone, and a common person like everyone else.
They wanted equality there will be equality.
They wanted to riot and protest, and get out of hand, then all their freedoms will be taken away for freedoms do not cause peace, and they will have a new form of government where they are totally controlled.
It is all a set up and they do not realize it, and they say we are winning, we are making a difference, the people have spoken, there will be equality, but it is part of the plan to cause the nations to come together, and produce the New Age Christ.
They will have another shut down for many businesses are still operating and they want an economic collapse of all businesses except a few like Walmart as it will probably be the one world store.
But they had to reopen to get this protest plan underway, and have the people out there a lot because of the protests, and then the coronavirus is getting bad, and we need another shut down.
And eventually making it appear as if there is no escape but for everyone to get a vaccine with nanotechnology which will track them in the cities where they are confined to as a sophisticated concentration camp, and no people out in the rural areas.
For it is time to produce the New Age Christ, and the nations leaders are now in agreement for their peace plan for the world, and controlled conflict brings about controlled change.
The African Americans are not winning anything but the illusion that they will be equal, and it will appear that way as they remove all public display of prejudice from America and the world, but it was all a plan and the inner circle of the occult, and the new age movement plan is saying you are not equal we only wanted to cause you to think there was equality so the people will come together, and we can produce the New Age Christ.
For they believe the New Age Christ will not start working in the world to establish his kingdom until the nations come together as one to work for peace on earth, and they will not come together unless the people view each other as equal, and the riots and protests, and the people getting out of hand to take away their freedoms, and control them.
They will remove all public display of prejudice whether ethnic group, men and women, gay and non gay, or whatever it is.
And when people are confined to the city, and no development can happen outside city limits they will forbid to marry for a man and a woman for population reduction, for if they cannot go outside city limits they are not going to allow the people to keep growing bigger than the city, and they are not going to develop beyond the city limits, and they want population reduction for there is too many people on mother earth for this plan is of the occult.
And they will command to abstain from meats, reverence of nature, mother earth.
Everyone will only go by their needs with nobody getting more than another person.
And then if a white military man cracks down on an African American there is no prejudice for all are equal now.
And there is no protests for the freedoms are gone, and they are not dealing with America anymore, but they are dealing with the world in which all nations leaders are together.
It is all a set up, and they do not realize it.
And it all happened because of evolution, and science confirmed it, so they interpreted the Bible according to the occult, and evolution, and people are still evolving to be greater and spiritual provided by the New Age Christ, and Jesus is not Lord and Savior, but the Christ conscience came upon him, and he evolved to be an ascended master and avatar, and honor the God of forces, or the power of nature as their higher power, the evolutionary process, and the New Age Christ is the final teacher.
So they are looking at religions, and reality in a different way with a new set of beliefs, so things will change because of that.
And the occult is the most dangerous and cruelest belief system in the world for it is all about them exalting themselves through the power of nature to be supreme, and elite above other people.