The family is getting more and more disfunctional because of this equal rights like the LGBTQ. Same sex marriage. Children having both men or women as parents. Women who abuse their spouse because they feel superior and they eventually get divorced. Women equal rights has somewhat made society better but not always.
So where do you get this nonsense about women abusing men? I am in 2 groups on FB for people who have been hurt by narcissists. Both groups have over 20,000 members. I would say there is one man per 1000 woman. So 20 men in each group.
And the woman who abuse these men are not doing it because they think they are superior, but because they are self centred narcissists. As for the 19,980 women, they are just being belittled. Narcissistic husbands are stealing from them, beating them senseless and terrifying them with taking away their children, even though they don't want them.
Most are afraid to leave their husbands because they have no money, no jobs and no place to go. Because they are afraid their husbands will chase them down and kill them. Which has actually happened in those groups. Some hope and pray to Jesus their cruel husbands will change. But, their husbands don't have souls, nothing for them to change.
People are so stupid on this thread it boogies me! Like woman make up their lesser wages with maternity leave. Wouldn't that be nice? I was paid equally in my union. But out of 4 children I was only working for one, and only 60%. Now, in Canada, men can get paternity leave. So much for the lie of women making up for being paid less, but "It's ok!" No, it is not. Seriously, the average mom has 2 or less children. So at most, a 10 month to 12 month maternity leave, where she takes care of the baby.
My world is very Biblical. But not an Old Testament or even a first century view. A lot of 1st century rules about women came out Greek and Roman cultures, where men had wives to run their households, and have babies. The Greeks consorted with men, the Romans with women who were courtesans. As for the Hebrew culture, it was swallowed up by Alexander the Great, who Hellenized the world. That including strange surgeries to attach foreskins, because the Greek worshipped the male body, and to be circumcised meant damage.
I think Paul was very revolutionary, when he wrote Eph 5:25-26. Imagine a man was supposed to love his wife as Christ loved the church. That is a Biblical model. And just a few verses earlier, Paul wrote in Eph 5:21, that the body of Christ should submit one to another.
"and submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ." Eph 5:21
As for submitting or hypostasis. ὑποτασσόμενοι in verse 21, but not not appearing at all in verse 22.
No word submission in verse 5:22 in Ephesians, because the section was a teaching section for men and how to treat their wives. And it was not with abuse, terror or something else.
The women in those days had no right to an education. Roman women went from being the property of their fathers to being the property of their husbands. Greek women counted for nothing. And by 70 AD, the church which had originated in Jerusalem was gone and the people dispersed.
So are all you men looking for the perfect obedient 1950's wife? My mother was one. She was a brilliant woman, probably smarter than my dad with all his degrees and publications, but women stayed home, so that's what she did. Stayed home. She spent 30 years raising children. Except they were gone all day so she took up golfing, curling and badminton. She never went back and got her university education. She was alone a lot and developed OCD. Then she got depressed. She stayed married to my father for 63 years, but she woke up one day and realized she had wasted most of her life.
The sad thing about stay at home mom's? Their husbands die. Simple facts of life. Men die so much younger. That includes women who work. When I was a chaplain in long term care, there we're 99 women for every man. Those 98 were widows. So those of you who think marriage is about women serving their husbands, not having outside interests, these women have nothing when their husbands die. 30 years taking care of children, on the high end, 50-60 years living empty years. My mom is 90, still going strong, despite 2 bad falls and breaking her pelvis and hips in 4 places. She's up walking and getting strong.
Women have so much to offer to the Kingdom of God. Don't force them into a 1950's model, or worse, a medieval model or a Greek or Roman one. The genie is out of the box! I can serve God and my husband, and learn theology. But someone who stands behind women and allows them to learn, grow and serve God side by side, that is a proper Christian marriage today. God doesn't change, but he knows societies and people change. He is the one moving us forward, and wanting dynamic marriages for his people, so that the Kingdom of God would continue to spread!