My theory is that regardless of what the US gov't is doing or not, or trying to do, that this pandemic is going to kill a lot of people. If people don't continue to self isolate, we will get a second wave, like the Spanish Influenza in 1918-19.
Read about the Spanish Influenza before you make up your minds. The big issue with that terrible flu that killed millions, was the gov't lied to them. They told everyone to wear a mask and continue as normal. Soldiers in army camps were hit particularly badly. More people died of the Spanish Influenza than were killed in WWI. Many of the soldiers who fought in WWI survived the war and died of the flu. There weren't enough people to work in the docks or the trains. The country ground to a stand still. Hundreds of thousands of people died of starvation, because no one bothered to feed them!
The thing about COVID-19, is it is asymptomatic and takes days to know you have it, meanwhile you could have shed the virus on literally hundreds of people. Plus, there is no herd immunity at all, so anyone can get it! Some people won't be bad, yes! But it will continue to make the rounds killing people, unfortunately. Especially if everyone rushes back to work, long before the pandemic is over!