Once again taking Romans out of context, creating a division between Paul and James. The same faith that was credited to Abraham as righteousness was accounted to him on account of his works. The works in mind in Romans are works of the law, ceremonial offerings, sabbaths, dietary restrictions. There is no indication that this is meant to be saying something universal about things that are actually righteous and Romans in context(both considering the question at hand and the overall discussion in the book) makes it clear. We are commanded to do works meet unto repentance. It's not optional, God is not mocked.
1. Abraham was found righteous before he did one work
2. Paul did not eleborate what type of work there was. He said not of works. The law is just one type of works. there are many types of works. Paul said if any work was included in why Abraham was found, he has something to boast of..There is no indication he was talking about the law. this is just a ploy by workers to try to discredit what Paul was actually trying to say
3. Abraham proved he had faith, because like all the fathers in Heb 11, His faith was real, His faith was powerful, it was living. But Abraham also had many sins, which could be construed as failing to do works.
we need to realise Abraham, according to the law was guilty, As is every man woman and child who ever lived, with the law or without it.
Abraham was saved based on his faith.
God does not have to command his children to work. They do it out of gratitide for what he has given them, and because he made them into new creation.