I just showed you.
"ALL" ("till
ALL be fulfilled") of
v.32 MUST INCLUDE (what
v.24 had just spoken of):
--"and they shall be led away captive into all the nations";
--"and Jerusalem shall be trodden down [same words as in Rev11:2] of the Gentiles,
UNTIL the TIMES of the Gentiles
be fulfilled"
[the TIMES of the Gentiles having STARTED in 606/605bc, represents "Gentile domination over Israel," think: Neb's "dream/statue/image" with Neb as "head of gold"]
BOTH of these (in v.24) MUST be included in v.32's "ALL" ("till ALL be fulfilled").
Prove to me that Jesus did not say that.
This then takes us back to examine, and find, that Matt24:4-8 EQUALS Mk13:5-8 EQUALS Lk21:8-11 ("the beginning of birth PANGS"), and that Lk21:12 tells us that "but BEFORE ALL THESE things" (i.e. "BEFORE all the BEGINNING of birth pangs" just mentioned) the "70ad events" of vv.12-24a must take place
(whereas in Matt24/Mk13, the beginning of birth pangs PRECEDE the "AOD" point in time/"SEE then FLEE" issue [a DISTINCT one]... I won't go into all that here, though... other than to say, the CHRONOLOGY is provided, but ppl tend to
blur distinct things into ONE, when they are
not the same!)