I had to study the life of Abraham in seminary......in a way his growth and maturity reminds me of
@Rosemaryx in this essence.....WHEN he is called as Abram and his name changed he began his walk of faith....his growth and maturity can be seen through the scriptures and when he takes Isaac to sacrifice his his faith can be seen in the promise of GOD to raise up the ONE though the promised Isaac. He was saved and justified by FAITH long ago in UR and this is the end result of his faith. HE knew that GOD would have to raise Isaac up and that the promised one would come through Isaac......
Just like we can see the growth of Rose openly on this site......she came in here unsure, struggling, etc. and over the time she has been here she has grown in her faith, has become rock solid in her posts, has grown in understanding etc......it is cool to watch live HAHAH