Well, If Jesus said HE would never leave nor forsake us, and that NO ONE, NOT EVEN YOU, can snatch us from His, and His Father's Hands, and the Holy Spirit SEALS us unto the day of redemption, and Paul tells Timothy EVEN IF (ala Peter) we deny Him HE cannot deny Himself, who is in us, and we learn in Romans that NO CREATED THING (YOU are a created thing...Right!?), not death, angels, height, depth, principalities, powers, things present things future....... and on and on..... I'm exhausted just WRITING HOW ETERNALLY SECURE we are!
So you wanna tell us again how a born again CHILD of the One True King, is going to become unborn again, kicked out of their Heavenly Father's family, and tossed into the Lake of Fire?
Remember, you may THINK you can leave Him, but HE said HE would never leave YOU.
Now it IS true that some THINK they are HIS, but have made a false profession of faith. THAT, is not WHO we are discussing.