This is the cold hard truth which some cannot accept because they are not willing to truly come to terms with grace and that ALL sins were dealt with at the cross ... yet we with our feeble understanding cannot grasp what God has accomplished in the inward man.
All scripture exhort to manifest outward the inward...but not all will do this hence the reason for all the letters by Paul, James John...etc.,
If the person fails to preserver they are not lost...the new creation while grieved does not go away and yes they may die in that state.
Once again and I quote @dcontroversal
a. A believer has done works already in BELIEVING on the one that was SENT <---the works of the Heavenly Father
b. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness
The above two truths cannot be swept under the table nor can they be embellished with more than the truth that they represent.
HOW many works PROVE salvation, can ANY WORKS prove salvation?
LOST men do MANY wonderful works in the name of JESUS every day<---the MANY that come before the throne and some MEN DIE with ONE WORK....believing on the one whom was SENT.......FAITH saves regardless of any and all work
All scripture exhort to manifest outward the inward...but not all will do this hence the reason for all the letters by Paul, James John...etc.,
If the person fails to preserver they are not lost...the new creation while grieved does not go away and yes they may die in that state.
Once again and I quote @dcontroversal
a. A believer has done works already in BELIEVING on the one that was SENT <---the works of the Heavenly Father
b. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness
The above two truths cannot be swept under the table nor can they be embellished with more than the truth that they represent.
HOW many works PROVE salvation, can ANY WORKS prove salvation?
LOST men do MANY wonderful works in the name of JESUS every day<---the MANY that come before the throne and some MEN DIE with ONE WORK....believing on the one whom was SENT.......FAITH saves regardless of any and all work
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