I think Judges1318 has answered very well and some pertinent biblical quotations, very good indeed.
Maybe he should take over the thread?
just joking.
And I must say Posthuman.
And there have been many good and honest posts and I thank you.
The gift given is faith, or by another name grace, Grace to see the beauty of creation and know there is a Creator.
Even the distant tribe of the earth know there is a God, all men know and have no excuse.
So why then are some saved, and some fall away. Why do some have a full knwoldge (His gift and some not)
Are there two types of grace and of those two given in different levels of grace.
I would say yes, there are different degrees of grace, one type general to all mankind with its inherent blessing,
but not eternal and non salvific and a slavific grace that changes a man from the inside out. Where he is given
a ne wheart and the old heart removed by God, the new heart is soft and loving, the old heart hard and bitter,
and we go to the aprable of the sower (thank you all who quoted this in your replies) and the enw heart will
lead a man to conversion, as in the case of Paul and although in the midst of persectuing the people of God
(are there anyone ehre who persecute other Chrstians) is truck by the voice of the Lord and is blinded and changed
in a moment, in an instant and calls His maker Lord.
The sower and the seed amplphies this small aprable, in gretaer detail, even shows some emn haveknowledge
and find beauty in the dcotirnes, in the Good News, who even worship and sing praises to God, but are never truly
saved because their faith is throttled by the trial of the world and other just lose interest and give up. Their hearts
are not ploughed ground, the seed does not penetrate, all metaphors for what God is doing in the soul. Unless
the heart is ploughed, unless takes away the old heart and
gives a new heart then a man will not convert.
And we know faith (grace) is given by God, it is a gift. In the third man the grace given was not enduring, it could
not lead to conversion, because he was not born again by the Spirit. Born again of the Spirit is synonymous with
being given a new heart. And we know a man must be born again of the Spirit of God to see the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus told Nicodemas so, and this is not a parable. Nicodemas a great prince of Israel, a Pharisee of Pharisees,
a member of the highest council in Israel knew this not. And Jesus had to instruct this high man (in his eyes) and
he was born again before he came to the Lord, but he was not converted. Nicodemus received grace spoke up for the
Lord, defended Him in the Sanhendren, as if the Lord needed defending. Yet he ruined hsi own reputation to speak
up for a criminal (according to the Jews) and finally took down the body of our Lord from the cross to be covered
in His blood.
So dear brothers, I hope I have answered my own question to your satisfaction. There it is, the gift is the gift of grace.
If it is not given as in a new heart, if the man is not born again of the Spirit he will fail, his faith will be dead, he will
wonder away, he will not undertsand that God is a loving God and a=call all men to repentence, but they will not lsiten
until given faith from above. It is a warning, this parable, to those who imagine they are saved, a warning to examine
And I adjure all of us, to examine ourselevs and to see if we are int he Spirit when we speak one to another. Learning
in allgentleness, not willing that anyone be offended, but rather praying that we will unite in longing the bst for
each other. We should have no bitter words of recriminations between us, we should not carry old enmities, but be
quick to forgive our enemies.
Thank you all for bearing with me.
It just remains for me to quote the passage in ezekiel to show the words of the Lord regrding the enw heart.
But I am sure some of you know it already.