Like I said,I'm willing to discuss the salvation process from the very start.
We're called out by the Father = we turn from our current way to look at His way = ?
What's the first step of Faith or faithing (pisteuo) look like in your understanding?
In one sense, mankind was "saved" by the obedience and sacrifice of the Man Jesus.
To begin the Journey our first step is to
"believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." - Heb 11:6
We must be careful that our "faith" in not in "faith" itself, but in the Father, and in the Son.
And properly translated, Hab 2:4 reads
"the righteous shall live by his faithfulness." This "faithfulness" being a complete surrender to God. The opposite being one who is "proud." (I've spent much time teaching on this single verse alone!)
As Jesus said, of those who will
"come after" Him (meaning being conformed into His image, becoming One with Him), there must be a denial of self, a picking up of our own cross daily and following Him the Way of the Cross, which signifies death and rebirth.
To obtain "Eternal Salvation", and indeed become "salvation" for the nations in Eternity, we must be
"refined in the fire" and proven "worthy", just as the Man Jesus had to be proven and
"perfected" to be
"made Lord and Christ" and
"become the author of Eternal salvation to those who obey Him."
When I preach this in the churches I'm involved with, I often get blank stares, and I know this Truth is far beyond what many have known. But it IS Bible. And honestly, if God has desired, once one sees, by the Spirit, the Truth of God's Word, you begin to see it all throughout the Scripture, and it becomes impossible to unsee.
The understanding of "salvation" is greatly off today. Unless one can cast aside the traditions of man and the Religious filters that have been erected that we often view the Scripture through, we will remain blind and deaf, which is the purpose of the spiritual enemies of God. And God allows even the delusion, as He is testing those who will sit with the Lamb on His Throne to judge and rule over the saved of the nations. Amen.
Do we have "ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches" today?
May we be among that remnant who have fellowship with the Father.
"who has stood in the council of Yahweh
to see and hear His word?
Who has paid attention to His word and obeyed? "
- Jer 23:18