WHERE is it written that ANYTHING God created is evil? The facts
are, God created mankind without clothing and saw that it was good.
Yet, we hear the few pastors that'll address nudity saying, "we're called
by God to dress modest and pure." Beloved, not that it would ever occur,
but IF the entire flock is saved and forgiven of their sins, they could
all be in worship services stark naked and never once offend God.
Adam needed a COVERING for his failure to ask God's forgiveness
but the second Adam, Jesus, provided the only covering a saved
person will ever need before God, His precious Blood-covering.
The problem with the parson's ploy for personal modesty and pureness
is that there's nothing immoral or impure about the naked body - that is
unless that person is carnal-minded when dealing with the subject of
nudity. Many of these impure are Christ-rejectors and unsaved souls.
Everywhere in scripture where it talks of nakedness being covered has
to do with unsaved, unforgiven sinners and never once speaks of the
truly saved, covered-by-the-pure-Blood of Jesus in God's eyes.
http://spiritofprophecy.org/godandnudity.htm . Ughh, I was called to share this.