Your post distorts the cessationist position, and I believe it's intentional.
When continuationists claim that cessationists don't believe in the gifts of the Spirit, they are lying.
Cessationists do believe in the gifts of the Spirit...they don't believe that certain gifts are active today, including speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, prophesying in terms of foretelling the future, etcetera.
So, continuationists define "the gifts" as the gifts that charismatics/Pentecostals claim they other words, the above gifts. Is this because they don't acknowledge other gifts that cessationists identify with, including teaching, encouragement, administration, etcetera?
Because, if they claim cessationists don't believe in "the gifts", then apparently they are defining "the gifts" as those handful of gifts, and aren't acknowledging that there are other gifts.
Why don't you believe in "the gifts"?
Notice, folks, that he's claiming cessationists have committed the "unpardonable sin" because they don't hold the same position as him. That's another typical trait of charismatics/ scare others with the "unpardonable sin".
Actually, the unpardonable sin applied to the Pharisees, who claimed that Jesus was doing certain works such as healings through Satan's says nothing about doubting folks falling on the floor and flopping like a fish for hours, barking like dogs, laughing maniacally, claiming they are healing slightly longer legs while shifting the person's shoe down, claiming to go into morgues and raise the dead, speaking in tongues, etcetera.
So, to repeat my question, why do you claim cessationlsts don't believe in "the gifts" when the topic of discussion relates to false charismatic/Pentecostal behavior? Do you realize that cessationists believe that the Holy Spirit empowers the believer with other gifts? If so, why are you misrepresenting and claiming that cessationlists don't believe in "the gifts"?
I think honesty would be one of the characteristics that a Christian would possess.