Here again is a perspective that is critical of anyone who takes Joy in what Jesus has put in our hearts to do.
Many have had negative experiences with the Law. Many proceeded to "keep the Laws" of God from the weakness of their flesh and failed. This is a horrifying experince! Self Doubt, Question ones own Salvation, Humiliation etc.
But the entire promise of God in the OT was for us to "wait fore it" His promise give us His Holy Spirit which would write His Torah/Laws/Teachings/Will on our hearts so that we COULD do the Good Works from a willing heart.
It reminds me of the years before I had a garden and was mostly busy outdoors with other activities. In those days rain was a a hindrance to me. Now that I have a garden, and orchard, a vineyard, berry patches asparagus patches, pecan groves, pasture grasses etc I love the rain! The rain brings Life to everything I do, whereas before it brought setbacks.
This is how the Holy Spirit changes our perspective on the Laws of God! With a willing heart we now delight in His Laws like Kind David did! If you dont beleive he loved Gods Torah read Psalm 119! He was SMITTEN! It is a testimony of what Gods Holy Spirit can do to a
willing heart in reference to His Laws! This is what Jesus meant in John 6:27 when he said he would give it to us. Both eternal life and the will to work at it! But similar to the old saying;
Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life
So when I speak fondly of His Torah/Teachings, you should know, I'm eaten up wit Love for His Will, Ways, Teachings, requirements, etc. Through the Holy Spirits influence the Torah has gone from a burden to a delight. That is what all men should hope for and is available to all who desire it, and are called!
Bless YHWH, Know and KEEP