There is a big difference in being a peace maker and pushing appeasement for the sake of religious unity..........people fail to understand the absolute truth that there are numerous diameterically opposing views and gospels on this site.....vast religious differences and too be frank there is a war on this site between truth and lies....that which is biblical and that which is as false as can of the biggest errors is to believe that just because SOMEONE claims Christ that they are of GOD and biblical....two cannot walk together u less agreed.....
A peace maker cannot make peace between truth and lies or true and false......the sword of the truth DIVIDES and cuts ASUNDER......AND that was the point I was making.....the wheat WILL be seperated from the chaff and the end is compromising the truth through appeasement the truth LOSES every time....!!!
I came to this particular post because of something another user kindly suggested.
Definitely something I also will consider and pray about. I definitely do NOT want to be luke warm, wishy washy, an appeaser, or this...A peace maker cannot make peace between truth and lies or true and false....
I do not believe I am guilty of those things, but perhaps my heart deceives me, for in the past, I have been guilty of ppl pleasing.
Today, I read a scripture that pricked my concious's desire to make sure I steer clear of such behavior.
Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?
Isaiah 2:22 NASB
And as part of mankind, I need to make sure that I do not to esteem myself a peacemaker, and that if in the name of coming in peace that I don't become an obstacle of chaos, deception or confusion for anyone, including self, that i do not make what is bitter sweet, and what is sweet bitter. He and His truth are not to be played or toyed with. He and His word are worthy of Holy Reverence at all times.
This verse comes to mind...
With whom did He consult and who gave Him understanding? And who taught Him in the path of justice and taught Him knowledge And informed Him of the way of understanding?
Isaiah 40:14 NASB
Well without sounding like a sycophant, I will say this thread today has inspired more prayer, study and reflection. So thank you.
God Bless you all.