Thank God that Jesus is paying no heed whatsoever to unbelievers and continues to pour out the Holy Spirit
upon all flesh …
The full gospel is preached
People believe and repent and come to faith in Christ Jesus and his salvation
People are water baptized by full immersion
Many have their first healing miracles: the blind gain sight, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the sick are healed,
Church members lay hands on these novice disciples and people are taught to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit
with the Bible evidence of speaking in new tongues.
People are dramatically converted from their previous sinful worldly lives and become converted pretty well immediately
by the power of God within them …
Alcoholics stop drinking
Those that chew beetlenut (a narcotic berry) stop this habit
Wife bashers become good husbands
Criminals and violent people become good members of their village and start to live righteously
Men put away their machetes and stop revenge attacks on neighbouring villages
Perpetrators of murders and violence against others go and reconcile with their victims and surviving families,
and seek forgiveness for their crimes (offering atonement to those who have suffered by them)
Drug addicts are miraculously cleansed and set free from their addictions (heroin, marihuana, cigarettes, etc)
Converts become disciples and have testimonies to their conversion and praying in tongues when receiving the Holy Spirit
and to the multiple many healings, miracles and blessings in their new life in Jesus.