It doesn't matter if we don't understand how it will benefit us prior to doing it. Just like Jesus told Peter "You won't understand what this is before you experience it, but you'll understand afterwards" when Jesus was about to wash Peter's feet. Peter's struggled intellectually with this concept and Jesus did not indulge his desire to understand it. Peter had to submit himself (by faith) to what didn't make sense to him... before he would understand its purpose/benefit.
Yes I would consider that walking by faith in respect to Christ who worked in Peter to create a desire in Peter in order to teach us the importance of washing each others feet. It is a picture of Christ washing away our sin pouring out His Spirit on corrupted flesh . He said to Peter who resisted .If I do not wash your feet then you have no part with me. Then it made sense when Christ interpreted the parable to Peter as with us.. Feet represent the work of the word of messengers. We should continue to wash each others. This message board provides that place .
That's also how it is with tongues. Yes, indeed it edifies the speaker, but No, you won't understand how that works until you receive it and experience it yourself.
That's if it was in the same way. I don't think also how it is with tongues. That would assume the sign confirms the same thing a blessing as with Peter.
If it is a sign that confirms unbelief why would we desire to seek after a experience? Is that not how mankind fell ?.God did not desire mankind to know good and evil by experience.
I would think we should be careful of making experience the law of the unseen spiritual things. Experience can be true but experience of itself has no boundaries the imagination is the limit.Just believe. . Spiritual things not seen can get turned upside down easily. . Jesus proved it in Mathew 4. Every time the father of lies would bring in a lying wonder that Jesus did experience . (All the kingdoms of the world and all the glory). he would rather than believe in a fleshly image in his mind. He did the will of the father not seen and would reply over and over three times as
it is written. It is the one source of faith given by God by which we can believe Him .
Remember signs confirm either a blessing or a curse. The tongues doctrine which has it foundation in Isaiah 28. It speaks of God mocking those who have no faith by which they could believe God, and set a sign against them. But they still would not put their trust in a unseen they stopped up their ears and refused to hear God. Ultimately a sign to the whole world he is a God to the Gentile as well as to a Jew . One bride the church .
Tongues is simply one of the many manners God brought prophecy before the book of prophecy the Bible was sealed up with seven seals till the end of time.
The warning not to add or subtract from the perfect law written in the law book ,the Bible applies for today. No new prophecy after any manner . Not dreams, drawing of straws, tongues.... like the prophecy spoken of by Peter where many nations heard the interpretation of God and believed God. Or new prophecy in a language or manner known to both, the hearer and the speaker. The greatest or most widely used manner. The one we communicate by even here or at least myself. I am not bi-lingo .