Who’s qualified to say what the Holy Spirit does and doesn’t do.
“11 And He gave (our Lord does the calling) some, Apostles (has reference to the fact that not all who are called to be Ministers will be called to be Apostles; this applies to the other designations as well; “Apostles” serve as the de facto leaders of the Church, and do so through the particular Message given to them by the Lord for the Church); and some, Prophets (who stand in the Office of the Prophet, thereby, foretelling and forthtelling); and some, Evangelists (to gather the harvest); and some, Pastors (Shepherds) and Teachers (those with a special Ministry to teach the Word to the Body of Christ; “Apostles” can and do function in all of the callings);”
12 For the perfecting of the Saints (to “equip for service”), for the work of the Ministry (to proclaim the Message of Redemption to the entirety of the world), for the edifying of the Body of Christ (for the spiritual building up of the Church):
13 Till we all come in the unity of the Faith (to bring all Believers to a proper knowledge of Christ and the Cross), and of the knowledge of the Son of God (which again refers to what He did for us at the Cross), unto a perfect man (the Believer who functions in maturity), unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (the “measure” is the “fullness of Christ,” which can only be attained by a proper Faith in the Cross):”
“14 That we henceforth be no more children (presents the opposite of maturity, and speaks of those whose Faith is in that other than the Cross), tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men (Satan uses Preachers), and cunning craftiness (they make a way, other than the Cross, which seems to be right), whereby they lie in wait to deceive (refers to a deliberate planning or system);
15 But speaking the Truth in Love (powerfully proclaiming the Truth of the Cross, but always with Love), may grow up into Him in all things (proper Spiritual Growth can take place only according to proper Faith in the Cross [I Cor. 1:21, 23; 2:2]), which is the Head, even Christ (Christ is the Head of the Church, and is such by virtue of the Cross):”
“16 From Whom (Christ Jesus) the whole body (Christ as the Head, and the Church as the Body) fitly joined together (presents the foot in the place it ought to be, and the eye in its proper place, etc.) and compacted by that which every joint supplies (one part is dependent on the other), according to the effectual working in the measure of every part (every part labors to produce a great result), making increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love (building itself up; will happen when we function according to God’s Prescribed Order, which is the “unity of the Faith”; again, refers to a proper understanding of the Cross).” Eph. 4