So if someone were to ask you now, "What is the Gospel" that churches talk about, how would you reply him?
So its clear to me that Jesus does not boast of Himself because that would mean nothing but rather it is only in God that their can bring honor. Only God the Father can do such boasting. Anyone else who boasts can fall into sin. That was the fall of lucifer, it was pride. Love of oneself. So furthermore Jesus came to show us the way. How we must live and all the things we must stop doing. We destroy one another we hurt one another we put down one another we lie to one another we cheat one another we betray one another. Jesus taught us to love one another. He did away with an eye for an eye. He said turn the other cheek. If someone takes from you your tunic give him your other tunic as well. We are also taught to forgive, so much evil in this world and thats a hard one to live by but Jesus told us that if we dont forgive how can we expect to be forgiven. Jesus ultimately paid the price for teaching this among pharisees who felt He was a threat to their set way of doing things. They crucified Him. And inmocent man and the lamb of God. He died in place of our sins to fullfil the price that our sins required of us. We all fall short of the glory. Jesus taught us to repent and sin no more. The kingdom of Heaven is at hand. His prayer on the cross is the plea for all humanity. "My God why hast thou forsaken me"? Isnt that we all would say when we die and are faced with Hell? Why are you punishing me Lord? Because you are a sinner and the price of sin is death. But the difference between us and Jesus is that Jesus never sinned. "My God why hast thou forsaken me"? God couldnt forsake Him. He was blamess. God couldnt forsake His Holy Word. He had to raise Jesus from the dead. I believe He reached down into the pit or grave and pulled Him out with the Fathers right arms stretched and sat Jesus on His right hand on the throne. Until all His enemies will be His footstool. And all who believe on Jesus Christ shall be saved. God will not forsake you. He didnt forsake Jesus and He will not forake us His children who recieve His baptism of the Holy Spirit. Thats the seal. Thats how we become heirs with Christ and sons of God. We must confess our sins before the Lord and repent. Ask for God to work in your life. He will send you His Holy Spirit if we do this in sincereness and willing to let go of all worldly and sinful desires. The bible says for us to lay hands on one another. This was the way people recieved the Holy Spirit.