Threads like these make me afraid of getting married. MissingLove, I can understand how you feel because I've had family and friends go through the same thing. The love just eventually diminishes to nothing. I don't really know what to tell you other than you are not alone and that I'll be praying for you. I suspect there are MANY men and women who feel the same way as you. Lonely and without affection stuck in a loveless marriage. Maybe you should go find other WOMEN who share those feelings? At least you would have friends that could help you feel better and maybe give you tips on how to navigate such a difficult marriage.
AxeElf, I see what your point is. I really do see it...but maybe try toning it down a little? I don't think people really listen to those who tear them up so quickly. Just my thoughts...
Don't be afraid of getting married based on what you have seen and experienced.
My mum was married 4 times and had numerous lovers in-between.
My 2 brothers have been married and divorced, left wife a kids.
Divorce and adultery had has been rife in the wider family.
I was engaged to a Christian girl.
Shocking as it is, I knew it wasn't right and had settled on divorce at some point in the future.
I eventually broke it off.
I fell in love with a Christian lady, after doing a prodical on and came back to church. Felt it was so right, really felt God say to me this is your wife, but I broke that off because of fear of divorce and my severe anxiety of emotional attachment.
We are soon to celebrate 25 years of marriage.
I let my past experiences and hurts and confusion to define my future.
This we should never do.
God defines our future and uses our past to define our future, through healing and replacing lies with truth.
My beautiful wife whom I love much more than I could ever have imagined and loves me more than I can ever have imagined have always tried to walk with each other as follows.
God you change me and I will let you to change Bill (that's me)
Keep short accounts.
Be willing to discuss and be honest.
Do not go to bed angry.
We endeavour to make God the center of our lives and as a result him the center of our marriage.
A God centered marriage that focuses on loving each other as he loves us will bear fruit.
So don't be afraid.