You're making a judgment call about the OP. You are saying she is 100% to blame for the marriage issues. The husband has no responsibility? The Bible says that each spouse belongs to the other,their body is not their own. The husband is wrong to refuse counseling and he's wrong if he is refusing sex,which I assume is what is happening. That's according to the Bible. If he has health issues,if he has emotional issues, then it's HIS responsibility to go for help. It's not up to her to try and pull it out of him. She's not his mommy. He's an adult and his wife is begging him, literally, to go for help. She is doing her part. He is in the wrong for refusing to go. He is the one being selfish. My husband and I agreed before we married that if either of us had an issue we would be willing to go to counseling to save the marriage. That's what adults do. If my spouse was telling me they were on the way out the door if I didn't go to counseling my happy butt would be in counseling until the issues were solved,period.
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