For 72 years Jews led the Christian Church. After 132 years Jewish leaders were all killed in the Bar Kokhba war so gentiles took over leadership. There was a vast difference. Jews had grown up knowing scripture, the gentiles grew up knowing idol worship, mythology, and folklore. The Jews felt Christ was as the OT told of Him. The gentiles thought Christ was a new God. Gentiles thought of Jews as odd people who had strangeways. Gentiles believed they could follow Christ but have nothing to do with anything Jewish.
Paul told us that the old way of sin was no longer, Christ took the definition of sin to a new and higher level, as Christ explained in the Sermon on the Mt. As an example, the old way was not to murder. The new way was obedience of the spirit of the law. That meant that added to law is thought, word as well as deed.
Gentiles added their doctrine to this. Now everything Jewish was tossed, even what God gave as “for all generations” meaning every person who became God’s own, all God’s family. The gentiles told of God as having the characteristics of the ones they grew up with, for they believed the Father aged and got cranky and mean so the Son took over. That is the way they had been taught that Gods behaved.
God is so powerful and magnificent that even with these ideas added to the attributes of God, what they got right changed their world. These Christians added love and compassion the world had lacked.
I think we should go back over all the man-made doctrines these early gentiles brought in and eliminate those that do no come from God. I think we should never think of what God tells us as Jewish, but think of what is Godly.
There is just so much wrong with this, it is hard to know where to start. First, there was NO universal church, just local churches. So, no one LED the church at all. Or, each church was led differently, and we do not know whether their leaders were Jewish/Gentile or not.
No idea where you got your numbers of 72 years and then 132 years. The church did not exist in Scripture until after Jesus died, was resurrected and ascended to heaven. The birth of the church was Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit descended and every believer was filled by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus died in either 30 or 33 AD, approximately 40 years before the fall of Jerusalem. The Jews either died in Jerusalem, or somehow escaped to stay with the Jews who had left many years earlier. Paul writes about local churches he founded or helped. The Jews were out of Jerusalem, and most of Israel, but they were not wiped out in one incident. We have no idea who became the leaders in the various local churches which eventually all had leadership, although we do not know whether they were Jews or Genitiles, and Paul eliminated those distinctions.
"For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God through faith. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female—for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to the promise." Gal. 3:26-29.
The Jews became united with the Gentiles! No more law. Except Acts 15, and a four rules to follow (not commands!) The few remaining Jews combined and all became Pharisees, who were obsessed with the law, and then wrote commentaries which were pages long. That is where kosher food entered into the discussion.They wanted to keep the Jews in the faith, because many were turning to Christ.
All of the Jews spoke Greek, because it was the lingua franca of the Roman Empire. They had spoken Greek, since the 300s BC. That is why the Septuagint was translated. Because most Jews had lost their Hebrew, and could not read the Bible.
The Gentiles did not change the laws! Where on earth did you get that?? They did not bring in false doctrines. They did not believe that God changed and became an old man. The only place I have ever heard that lie, was in a science fiction series called "That Dark Matter" which was occultic and evil. No record of what you are saying, anywhere.
Support your statements from the Bible, or a reputable historical site. Don't bother to post links to Hebrew Roots lies. You are bamboozled and deceived, Blik. I know you are very old, and I respect you for that. But these outright lies must be stopped.