If God did inspire the KJV, then all other English versions are not the words of God. The only choices are: one or none.
Hilarious! In fact you are right about there being only one inspired version!! That was the original autographs in Hebrew and Aramaic for the OT and Greek for the NT. And fortunately the manuscript copies go back to the 2nd century, to say nothing of the fact that the early church fathers in their works, quoted those inspired versions.
That is one thing among many that shows the longer ending of Mark 16:9-20 is considered spurious, and a late second century addition, because none of the church fathers quoted it. Something which an inspired copy would not have! Because it is an addition, and no, the KJV does not correct the Greek!
You constantly make these nonsensical assertatiins, with no evidence to back you up. Show me external or internal evidence that the KJV is inspired! And if you resort to bring refined 7 times in the fire, I will lose it! Because it says, "My word." Not the KJV, which was not written until one and a half millennium after the birth of Christ, to say nothing of centuries that elapsed before the birth of Christ.
No more absurd assertions, not backed by some kind of evidence. If the KJV is inspired, rather than the original autographs, then so are modern versions.
And as for the diffferences between KJV and modern copies, you are right! The KJV is a faulty version, with all kinds of nonsense like unicorns and dragons, numerous additions and translation errors. I speak Biblical Hebrew and Koine Greek, I know 100% for sure that the KJV is rife with errors. That alone disqualifies it from being some ridiculous 16th century "from the mouth of God" translation. God doesn't make mistakes! And although I acknowledge the KJV has been used of God, it's time has past. Read it you want, but I prefer modern versions, which are far closer to the original autographs than the corrupted KJV.
Probably you should focus on Jesus Christ, and what ALL Bibles have to say about him, rather than the dubious choice of spending hours defending a corrupt Bible, that is not even in a language spoken today.