It is very easy to point a finger at someone else an say that person sins & not only that they have no desire to change. Are you and I any different?
I believe we all are guilty of justifing our own personal sins before God and using that worldly justification as an excuse not to change.
Without determination our walk will stagnate in compromise.
If we set our course wrong we will bog down in carnal ineffectiveness.
Some set out to compromise. The cares of this world and ambition for wealth rob them of potential.
Misistry is a higher realm.
To walk in fullness and victory requires a surrender,a determination,and a divorce from this world and anti christ trash coming over the tv.
The nominal christian,child of the carnal modern church system,easy peasey loose walking joe sixpack christian with no real plan or battle plan,will see heaven respond in like manner.
No anointing,no power,no changed life,ineffectual ministry.