You are wrong it is not a teaching of Pentecostals and charismatics but from the word of God as recorded in the book of Acts and many other scriptures. In addition, it is from the Holy Spirit because scripture shows it is. I like how you’re wording too
So long nobody can Proof this teaching from the scripture"
Then you again suggest the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with what you don't agree with. It is the Holy Spirit. And you have not provided any biblical refute to the scriptures , historical witnesses, and Church history.
"whatever is behind this."
it's proven, the Holy Spirit is still saving and healing and empowering those who have placed their trust in Christ. Millions have experienced the wonderful blessing and gifting of the Holy Spirit. I thank God every day for His empowerment and I have seen many empowered by God. Your opinion is not authoritative nor does it disqualify the very word of God
I have seen many in here suggest demons, and devils pulling Doctrines from pagans to disprove those who have seen in the word of God and acted on it in context to the Holy Spirit.
tongues are of the devil they say yet they use doctrines of devil and pagans to make their point. They don't use the Bible lol.
The only thing they got is it has passed away with the last Apostle and the Creation of the bible . However, they cannot even prove that. lol.