You know, its not unusual for a child of God to use a lot of personal pronouns . . . I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Whether you believe I'm elected or not.
You just denounced election, then claimed it later. Not my problem if you don't believe the plain teachings of Scripture, but then do, "just in case." Better get all your t's crossed and i's dotted -- play both sides of the field, "just in case."
The fact rermain's, you simply do not know what you're talking about and every single misinterpretation, straw man, lie, slander in your OP can be readily dismantled.
Yet another thing is you already "know it all" and thence cannot be taught and shown your egregious errors which would make you bow your knee and literally and actually cause you to be Soli Deo Gloria.
To top all that off you condemn men's souls to hell, who also trust Solus Christus, know the Scriptures, and God way more intimately than you. It is ignorant fundamental baptist nonsense, and I was there in the BBFI for years.