I know most people won't admit it to others but many Christians are very racist. They fail to recognize Gods statutes of adoption and kindness to foreigners' and feel that salvation is mostly for the Caucasian branch of Noah's family tree so my endeavor was to point out what nonsense this very human trait is. People also thought Moses was Egyptian because his hair was nappy and his skin was dark. I don't often let people get my Goat. I don't let 'em know where it is but I'll make a lot of noise when they get close to it.
"Many Christians are very racist."
Well, I've generally had the opposite experience.
Also, we might do well to define the word "many" in your statement, so we know what you're actually talking about.
Is "many" some kind of percentage, or is it just a flat rate... like 5, or 11, or 32?
(But I honestly think 32 is a bit high.)
1. Until we know exactly what you mean by "many", we can't even argue with you, because we don't really know what you're saying. How many is many?
2. Then, until we determine HOW you arrived at your number (did you read it in a book, or did it come to you in a dream etc) then we have no way to know if you've had some brilliant epiphany, or if you're just complaining about life at the end of a bad hair day.
3. The statement "many christians are racist" may APPEAR very confrontational, but it's honeslty so vague it doesn't really mean anything at all.